Do you want to know How to write Bangla in MS Word with SutonnyMJ Font in Avro Keyboard? This is the right place for you [100% Working].

How to write Bangla in MS Word with SutonnyMJ Font in Avro Keyboard
How to write Bangla in MS Word with SutonnyMJ Font in Avro Keyboard

In this tutorial, you'll know How to write Bangla in MS Word with SutonnyMJ Font in Avro Keyboard.

I make this tutorial for those who can't write Bangla easily in ms word 2007/ ms word 2010 or latest ms word by Avro. 

Avro keyboard is very easy and better than Bijoy

How to write Bangla in MS Word with SutonnyMJ Font in Avro Keyboard

  1. At first Download/button and install Avro Keyboard on your pc.
  2. Now, open MS Word
  3. Now press F12 to unable Avro Keyboard.
  4. Now from the taskbar below, click Show hidden icons
  5. Right click on the Avro Keyboard icon
  6. Go to Tools > seletct Output as ANSI
  7. Now go back to MS Word
  8. Select SutonnyMJ font from the font option
  9. Now write Bangla using Avro Keyboard

That's it. alert-success

Still, don't understand? Watch this video/button fully to know. I hope you'll like this video. (Note: The video language is Bengali.)

Microphone I use: Boya By M1/button
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