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What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Everything Explained
What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Everything Explained

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

What is Search Engine Optimization? If you are new to the world of Blogging, Web developing or Digital Marketing, then you have heard it a lot about SEO. So you must have come to the question that what is Search Engine Optimization? And how to do the best SEO of the Website or Blog?

The complete meaning of SEO is "Search Engine Optimization". SEO means that any website should be optimized in such a way that it can be effectively displayed in the search engine and get a high rank so that all the organic traffic is received to the blog or website.

If you want to learn about Search Engine Optimization (SEO), how it is done, how it is made, and how to get more and more traffic by sewing your website, then read this article till the end.

The Benefits of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

If you have your own website or blog, then you should need a lot of traffic. There is no point on the website without any traffic or visitor. If you have made a website to earn, you can not earn without good traffic or visitor.

The Benefits of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
The Benefits of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

There are so many ways to get traffic for the website or blog, such as linking to a direct visitor, from social media, paid advertising etc. But the most amazing way of all of these is organic traffic, which comes from direct search engine like Google.

Therefore, it is very important to get the website's Search Engine Optimization to get more and more organic traffic. On the Internet, people search only on the information they want to know on the search engine.

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Everything Explained
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Types of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

There are 2 types of Search Engine Optimization:

  1. Black Hat - Black hat SEO is incorrectly optimized to get the website ranking. Such as doing unnecessary keywords on the page, buying paid backlinks, repeatedly clicking on the result of your site or getting done & many more. For this type of SEO, maybe the ranking can be obtained for some time, but they do not know much and at the end, the site disappears from the search engine.
  2. White Hat - The other way to do Search Engine Optimization is White Hat SEO, which is most accurate. In this process of getting a website rank is slow but if the content is good then it becomes rank. And there is a lot of organic traffic available by doing this way. So if you want your website to rank correctly, then you pay attention to White Hat SEO only.

Want to know What is the difference between WWW and Internet? Watch this video (Note: The video language is Bengali):

How to do Search Engine Optimization?

SEO of any website or blog is done in 2 ways:
  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-Page SEO

In the optimization of the website, both of them have full significance. But if you are beginner then you should learn On page SEO first, after that you can go for Off-Page SEO.

In the On-page SEO, content, website's speed, blog's design, the right use of the keyword, the title of the page, the blog's mobile-friendly, and the web page URL is optimized in that way top rank.

Off-page SEO is the process of optimizing the value correctly on the backlinks, domain's authority, page, domain age, and social network outside of the web page is called off page SEO.

How to do Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
How to do Search Engine Optimization?

How to do On-Page Search Engine Optimization?

Here are some way for On-Page Search Engine Optimization:

1. Optimize Page Title

The most important of all on the page SEO is SEO optimized page title. It is mandatory to optimize page title to get high ranking on a search engine. Doesn't matter whatever keyword you want to rank a post, it must be in the title of the page.

The length of the page title should be between 60 and 70. This is the result of most search engines on most search engines.

You can use some SEO friendly words to optimize the page title, such as Best, Latest, How To, Step by Step, Complete Guide, Tutorial, New and more.

2. Meta Description

Meta description tag in SEO is the second most important factor. Most people believe that Google does not think meta tags more important, to some extent it is correct. But if your content is good and creates a perfect meta description, then you get the benefit of it on the search engine.

Meta Description pushes your post short summary to the search engine. The length of the meta description is 150 characters or higher then it is best.

In order to get good ranking in search engine, at least once in the meta description, the keyword you want to rank is mandatory.

3. Keyword Placement

Keyword placement is where to use the keyword. The keyword placement on On-Page Seo is a very important factor. If you use keywords correctly in the post, you can get the best result on the search engine.

Place Keyword on 3 Places in Blog Post:
  1. Inside the first 200 words in the first paragraph of the post
  2. Headings and Sub Headings Tags
  3. In the end paragraph of the post.

4. Keyword Density

On keyword density, how many times do you present the Keyword in a post? To get the best results on the search engine, it is very important to know what is keyword density on your post. 1% to 5% keyword density is best for SEO, but if more than that, then it is considered keyword stuffing which is a danger to SEO.

5. Page Url (Permalink)

If the URL of Page is SEO optimized then it helps you to get a good ranking on the search engine. You need to customize the URL properly to optimize the URL of the page. Whenever you write a post, the title of the post on Blogspot or Wordpress becomes automatically set. And that would not be quite long and SEO friendly

If you want to get good results then you should make the custom page URL as short as possible and use the main keyword.

6. Website Speed

You can customize the design of the blog and increase the speed of the page.

Here are some important tips for increasing page speed:
  • If you use Wordpress then buy the hosting from the right Hosting Company
  • Delete the necessary plugins and widgets on your blog
  • Do not do images of Flash, Multimedia and in large size
  • Delete Facebook Page Plugins or other third-party plugins
  • If you use Blogger, then design template yourself, if it is impossible then simply do the same to the templates. 
  • Do not use a template downloaded in error for free, because they have lots of javascript and redirectors.

To know the speed of the website, go to the Google Page Insights and Gtmetrix tools. You can know the speed of the page by using these tools.

7. Sub Heading Tags

After the title of search engine post, the highest importance is given to subheading tags (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6). Use at least 2 subheading tags in your post, put the subheading tags in 4 to 6 words and put the keyword in it.

8. Website Design

The direct effect of the website's design does not affect SEO, but it creates a direct impact on the user. So if your site likes the user then Google will also like it.

Website design should be clear and eye-catching. Website's navigation search engine should come in handy

Website design should be mobile-friendly. Now, Google has started mobile first indexing. If your blog is not mobile friendly then there may be a problem with Google ranking.

9. Outbound Links

Links from Outbound Links to the other website helps you a lot. Outbound links are very important in SEO. Outbound links are of 2 types, one low-quality, and second-highest quality.

High-quality outbound links are the best for your blog's SEO, and it gives you the benefit on the search engine. If you use low-quality links, then it is a danger to SEO.

To check outbound links, check the domain authority (DA) and PageRank of the website you want to link to on your post.

10. Internal links

Create links inside the Internal Links that you want to link with the post. If you make internal links correctly, then it can help you in the high ranking on search engines.

Some tips for Internal Linking:
  • Use 4 or 5 links in blog posts.
  • Link to related post as soon as possible.
  • Write the anchor of the link correctly. That does not look like spam.

11. Content length

The content length of on-page SEO is a very big factor. The more content on the page, the higher your chance of higher ranking. It does not mean that you will not get any benefit from writing the length of the post by writing anything.

Whatever topic you wrote on, it should be written in detail, winning points also let you know all the posts. This is why the search engine likes to show detailed information first.

Do you know What are Cookies? How it works? Watch this video (Note: The video language is Bengali):


You can increase the blogs or website organic traffic by doing an SEO correctly. There is no shortcut to getting top rank on search engine, but if you do SEO correctly then search ranking will definitely come.

I hope you like this article on What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Don't forget to comment down your thoughts about SEO below.

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